Hi! My name’s John and I write and draw this strip in the free time of my free time.
This comic is something I’ve had in my head for a long time. I published its first incarnation (a whopping 4 strips worth) in 2003 under the domain brokentailbone.com. The style was quite different:
I had a lot of ideas for comics besides Villain, and they were all going to be hosted under the same domain, which I eventually updated to blird (a word I made up). I had experimented with a few of them but Villain was the one I liked the best. I redrew a couple of the strips more cleanly but I didn’t take it much further than that. I let life get in the way and nothing really happened. The comic was never far from my mind, though, and I wrote new ideas and jokes in a little book over the years. At the end of 2010, I decided to try again.
In 2011, I started planning the “new” Villain. I had a little trouble picking a direction but after a hard look at it that summer, I decided to change the format to something more story-driven. I stalled out a bit in 2012 but that July I came back in earnest with blogged status updates to encourage myself to produce.
I’m not an expert at web comics but I’ve read them since forever and I wanna see how far I can take it.
Big thanks to my sister Teri for her input and support over the years.